Hi there 👋

Welcome to my blog, My name is Yago!

  • 💭 - I write to answer the different ‘Whys?’ that continuously arise from my thoughts.
  • 🐇 - This site has zero tracking on it, I do it for fun, not to build a sect of followers.
  • 🛎️ - Spoiler Alert: Opinions are my own!

RFC1 - The HOST software

What I learn from RFC1

9 February 2025 · 2 min · 294 words · Yago Riveiro

Git Worktree - The hidden Gem

A retrospective on one year usage of git worktrees

14 January 2024 · 4 min · 640 words · Yago Riveiro

Prisoners Of Geography

Ten Maps That Explain Everything about the World (Politics of Place).

12 January 2024 · 1 min · 73 words · Yago Riveiro